Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cisco Brewing Winter Woods

Winter Woods
Cisco Brewers Inc.
Nantucket, Massachusetts
9.00% ABV
Style: American Wild Ale

C: Clear On The Edges
H: Deep Redish-Brown Color
N: Acetic, Cranberries, Faint Vanilla Spice?

The Ferm: THE WOODS CALLS YOU TO THEM! Very excited to get to try the Winter Woods, one of the Woods Series from a brewery up in Mass. Yes, this is the same company that does Whales Tale, a beer that was just released in the local South Florida Market. Hopefully sales go well for Cisco in Florida and we can have some of the big bottles soon!
The beer smells like a blend of acid and cranberries. There was a faint spice that I could not put my nose one, but the more I think about it, it may have been vanilla. The flavor was similar to the nose but filled with a spice upfront that was almost a turn off for me. Once the spice mellowed out a bit the sour cranberries came in, and that made me happy.
Very interesting beer, just like most of the American Wild Ales. This is a style of beer that really is hit or miss. Although you find more hits than misses lately. I don't know if I would seek out this Woods Series again, but I will look for other beers in the same line!
Score: 3.5462152333

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