Thursday, April 7, 2011

Russian River Sanctification

Russian River Brewing Company
Santa Rosa, California
6.47% ABV
Style: American Wild Ale

C: Cloudy
H: Yellow (almost like urine)
N: Tart Lemons + Funk + Acid = AMAZINGNESS!

The Ferm: Ok, as stated yesterday, American Wild Ales are really hit or miss. Well is there another company in the United States that is slamming home-runs with their American Wild Ales quite like Russian River? In my humble opinion....HELL NO!
Russian River brews some of the finest American Wilds in this country. Other companies such as Upland, Jolly Pumpkin, and Cascade do a fine job as well, but Russian River is a staple of quality and consistency.
Sanctifcation is no exception either. The beer is filled with super tart and sweet lemons. Very similar to a lemon Shock-Tart. This beer infact brings me back to the day when I was a kid and I was searching for the most sour candy available. While I loved finding things that brought a tear to my eye, I would go back to shock tarts as my go-to candy for the time.
Like Shock-Tarts, Sanctification isn't going to make you pucker your lips to the extent that you begin to cry, but it will make you a happy little person with the balance of tart and sweet.
Score: 4.3897551

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