Friday, April 8, 2011

Avery Dépuceleuse

Avery Brewing Company
Boulder, Colorado
9.73% ABV
Style: American Wild Ale

C: Pretty Clear
H: Dark Red/Brown
N: Cherries, Light Funk/Acidic-ness

The Ferm: Well I am a bad person, in my post yesterday I completely forgot to mention Avery Brewing Company and the amazing things they are doing with American Wild Ales.
Dépuceleuse reminded me almost of a Flemish Red Ale. I was surprised at how dark this beer was when poured into my glass.
There is a lot of cherries and hints of leather in the nose of the beer followed with a nice acidic bite. The flavor follows the direction of the nose, but is a bit more sweet than expected. Very well balanced with the cherries coming across front and center with the slight tartness showing up at the end. A very nice beer that could easily get you in trouble as it is pretty easy to drink and 9.73% ABV.
Score: 4.2598654

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