Friday, March 11, 2011

Wild Thing

Wild Thing
7.00% ABV
Style: American Wild Ale

C: Slightly Cloudy
H: Amber
N: Smokey/Cranberry "Burning Cranberry Bush" (per EvilTwin)

EvilTwin: Poured into my Dogfish snifter glass I saw a pretty brown red color with a light fluffy head on top. I went in for the first whiff and was sort of awestruck by the aroma. Straight up twigs and berries and smoke. Somewhat like sticking my head into a burning cranberry bush. The flavor was musty, smoky, and had hints of cranberries. Flavor also reminded me of soil or dirt. There was a slight sour/tartness to it ,but by that point it almost seemed irrelevant and I couldn't get pasted the smokiness of it. It was just a little too strange.
Score: 2.95

The Ferm: Well this is a fitting way to end the week. As things will be getting quite Wild in Tampa in just a few hours, and EvilTwin will be along for the ride. Big thanks again to EvilTwin for sharing this beer, and joining me for a great week of reviews. Maybe at some point and time I can gain some more income from the blog to sign him on for a full 5 beer reviews again. (I think this Examiner-Ft. Lauderdale thing is getting to his head)
TO THE BEER - There is something here I like, but I can't get past the smoke, DAMN YOU SMOKE! Actually after allowing the beer to warm up just a tad I am able to pick out the cranberry tartness that is on the back-end. This was just what I was looking for!
Did you know that Cranberry Juice helps keep your body clean and clear of Kidney Stones?! I wonder why people don't brew more with cranberry. You could get drunk and help your body not produce kidney stones all at the same time! Ohh well.
The beer overall was interesting probably not something I would pick up again as the smoke was a bit over-powering. Never the less, a solid beer and something just a bit different.
Score: 2.98

Overall: 2.965

1 comment:

  1. I'll give up the Examiner thing to rate with you full time, no questions asked. This weekend should be great. Can't wait. Bring out the big guns baby!!!
