Friday, March 18, 2011

Dark Lord Day 2011

It's the day after St. Patty's Day, did u get your tickets to the LARGEST BEER RELEASE IN THE US?!?


How do I know this?  Well that is because this year tickets will be on sale Saturday March 19th.

Want some information on the release....sure you do!

When? Saturday, April 30th

Where? Munster Indiana


Bottle Allotment? TBA *but this year it is per person not per ticket!

So you wanna go?  Well tickets go on sale Saturday, and this year unlike past years to attend the "festival" that has turned into what is know known as Dark Lord Day you MUST HAVE A GOLDEN TICKET!  Yes, that is right.  No ticket, no beer, no festival, no bottles, no fun!

I personally will again try my hand at landing 2 tickets for this festival, and if I can score two of them I will think about selling my kidney on the black market to make it out to this once a year festival.

Ohh yeah and I haven't forgot about my personal review of Hunahpu's coming.

1 comment:

  1. Well Ferm I would start listing that kidney on craigs list now. If Dark Lord is anything like Hunahpu it should be great. Good luck I hope you get the ticket.
