Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hanssens Experimental Cassis

Hanssens Experimental Cassis
Hanssens Artisanaal bvba
6.50% ABV
Style: Lambic

C: Cloudy
H: Pink/Purple

EvilTwin: I recently had Hanssens Oude Gueuze and loved it, so when The Ferm decided to pull this out of his cellar I was pretty jazzed to try it. Sadly though it should have been kept in the closet. It had a purplish/pink color to it and reeked of dirty diaper. Flavor had hints of cranberry with a sour/tartness to it, but once the aroma and thought of diaper got into my head I couldn't see past that. It was pretty much awful. I don't know what went wrong with this one, but Hanssens needs to re-examine this one.

Score: 2.0 (and I'm being generous)

The Ferm: Well again big thanks to The Cerveza Chica for snagging this bottle for me on her last trip to Chicago.

This is a hard beer to drink, not because it is sour, but because it smells like straight up dirty diaper shit. Nasty, Funky, Just Down Right GROSS. Get past the smell, let it breathe a bit, and this is a damn fine Lambic. I prefer more acidic qualities, but this was a nice blend of sweet and sour.

Score: 3.42

Overall: 2.71 (REALLY EVILTWIN?!?!?!?)

1 comment:

  1. I guess I forgot about that warming up aspect of it, but I still couldn't get past the smell, just too weird
