Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Goose Island Rare Bourbon County Stout

Rare Bourbon County Stout
Goose Island Beer Co.
Chicago, IL
13.00% ABV
Style: Barrel Aged Imperial Stout

C: Black
H: To Dark To Tell
N: Hello Bourbon....nose is filled with the booze, sweet chocolate malts, hints of roast and vanilla

The Ferm: First and foremost BIGGGG THANKS to Master Brewer Abbott for sharing this beer with myself and several other people Monday Night. Once again the "beer family" in South Florida always surprises me with their generosity. I personally would have contemplated sitting in a dark room alone with this bottle and drinking 100% of it alone....well maybe not. I am sort-a afraid of the dark after all. Regardless, Thank You!
I was very much so looking forward to this beer since I found out that Goose Island would be releasing it only once, and the base beer is my all time favorite stout. Barrel Aged for 2 Years this thing has to be good....RIGHT?!?
And Good it was! Great....maybe, but for sure DAMN GOOD. Tons of Bourbon in the flavor...but it is not that "hot". The beer is perfectly balanced flavor wise with strong notes of the barrel treatment leading to hints of dark chocolate, vanilla, and coffee. Daily Drinker....if you were a millionaire and did not care about calories....FOR SURE. The beer was faintly carbonated which was too much carbonation would have ruined the experience.
So is this better than that bottle of 2008 Bourbon County Stout which was opened and reviewed not too long ago? No....but it is damn close. I would love to be able to snag a bottle or two of this and age it for a bit...I have a feeling this will turn out to be one of the best imperial stouts to date with age on it.

Score: 4.89999


  1. Would this trade for a bottle or two of Hunaphu?

  2. It was a very good beer but no way was it worth the hefty price tag. I actually enjoyed the Bourbon County Vanilla way more. I have a bottle of Rare that I will sit on for at least a year, maybe two. It wasn't hot, but it was really boozy. Almost had a rubbing alcohol taste to it.
