Monday, January 10, 2011

Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale

Night Owl
Elysian Brewing Company
Seattle, Washington
6.10% ABV
Pumpkin Ale

C: Clear
H: Amber/Orange
N: Canned Pumpkin Mix, yep thats about all

Evil Twin: Just when you think it's all over they come back with a vengeance. What came back? Pumpkin beers, that's what. Now I'm not gonna lament on the fact that my last few pumpkin beer encounters were less then great, but I am gonna express how great this one turned out to be. I've been looking to try this one for some time now but somehow wasn't able to land one in a trade, but thankfully I surround myself with good people who held onto a bottle for me to try. So big thanks must go to The Ferm and Ed "Sexiest man in craft beer" Roberts.
Poured into a Delirium snifter glass I examined the color first. It had a light orange hue to it. Sort of brownish around the edges with a very thin head. The aroma was pretty pungent, even before I stuck my nose in the glass I could smell the pumpkins, which took center stage here. I also got a good amount of ginger bread and brown sugar. The taste was pretty much what the aroma lead you to believe. The pumpkins, ginger bread, sweet sugar, etc.
I'm glad that my latest pumpkin experience wasn't a bust. This is one damn fine pumpkin beer.
Grade 4.0

The Ferm: Well I started the Pumpkin Beer "Season "off with a bang, drinking The Treat from Midnight Sun with Evil Twin. Hopefully I end the "season" on the same high note. We all know that I am not a huge fan of this style. Regardless, this was a beer that peaked my interest at the Great American Beer Festival, and thanks to Eduardo I was able to get a 2nd try at this. The odor is straight pumpkin mix, not bad....sorta smells like a pumpkin pie. The taste follows suite, but is not over powering with the spice or the pumpkin. Overall a very smooth and well balanced Pumpkin Ale. Not too shabby, and I will pick this up next year if the line makes it to South Florida.
Score: 3.87

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