Monday, January 17, 2011

Bitter Brewer

Bitter Brewer
Surly Brewing Company
Brooklyn Center, Minnesota
4.00% ABV
Style: English Bitter

C: Clear
H: Gold
N: Hoppy...Strong Pale Ale Quality, Light Malt with Hints of Hop Bitterness

Miguel: This is the first time I've ever reviewed something from Surly. The yellowish/orange can makes it look like an energy drink but it probably isn't as bad as most of those. It is ultra clear but the small white head is gone before I could type a sentance of this length. I just get a ton of hop notes in the nose. They are citrusy, grassy, piney. The taste is more of the same. It's just a bitter attack at your taste buds. Tons and tons of hops. BA classifies this as an English Bitter but this is much more bitter than what I get from more traditional versions of the style. I thought it was a very hoppy pale ale. This was a little too bitter for me. I would have like a tad more balance. Oh well.
Score: 2.9248

The Ferm: Craft Beer in a can! I am a true sucker for this. While there is nothing special about this beer flavor profile wise, I could see myself using this as a go to beer for outdoor events. At only 4%, this English Bitter is refreshing and a lot more flavor than our typical tall-boy can! Great beer to share with someone else or drink by yourself at the beach, a tailgate, or while walking the dog (if you really need to drink while walking the dog.....just saying!). Good beer, but nothing overly special.
Score: 2.817

Overall: 2.8709

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