Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wytchmaker Rye India Pale Ale

Wytchmaker Rye India Pale Ale
Jester King Craft Brewery
Austin, Texas
6.70% ABV
Style: American IPA

C: Cloudy with some nice "yeasties" in the bottom of the bottle
H: Orange/Amber
N: Citrus Notes, Caramel, Touch of Grass and Floral Aromatics

The Ferm: Well I am not gonna lie, writing has been quite hard lately. My head just isn't in the game. No I did not go on another cleanse or decide to take a week off of beer. Still drinking some fun stuff and building up the tasting notes in my head. Just hit that wall where I didn't feel like getting back on the horse. Just when I thought man, maybe it is time to hang the old hat up, I had a beer that brought me back to the beginning. No, I didn't crack a Dogfish 60 minute or a Ruination IPA from Stone. I had the Wytchmaker, for the first time.

Big thanks to EvilTwin for bringing this bad bad over to the house the other day. Since my review of Black Metal Stout, I have been looking for any and everything from Jester King Craft Brewery. This beer again lived up the my self made hype.

The beautiful thing about this orange-ish/amber liquid of the Gods, was that it made me sit back and think...not of grade school and the teacher that was a witch, or the time when I was in a haunted house and the witch jumped out at me and it scared me to...well you get the idea. This beer brought me back to about 3 years ago when I was just getting into beer. The sweet caramel flavors mixed with the bite from the hop and the all around refreshing flavor of the beer, reminded me why I love this industry so much.

Going out on a limb and saying this is one of my favorite IPA's to date, and without a doubt the BEST RYE IPA. This was a huge treat!

Score: 4.49



  1. I agree. Prior to drinking this the bartender told me it was like liquid crack.

  2. Glad you enjoyed Wytchmaker Rye IPA! Thanks for reviewing it. Please come visit us in the Texas Hill Country sometime.

  3. Jeff, I would love to come visit, next time I am out in your great state I will swing by! Thanks for reading!
