Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jubel 2010

Jubel 2010
Deschutes Brewery
Bend, Oregon
10.00% ABV
Style: American Strong Ale

C: Cloudy
H: Light Brown, almost like a watered down Rootbeer
N: Dark Fruits (Plumbs/Cherries), Candy Sugar, Pinot/Oak Odors

The Ferm: You have to love a beer that reads "Best AFTER", that's right not before. AFTER! That means the beer was release a bit pre-mature in my opinion, but hey who cares. Well lucky for me this beer was opened after the date on the bottle so it was "ready" to drink.
And Ready to drink it was! This beer was almost unlike anything else I have ever had. The thick/sticky mouth feel was a pleasant surprise as the sugars took front and center on the taste. Hints of the dark fruits came across, and everything was followed by a hint of barrel/oak funk. The Funk didn't overpower but simply complemented the super sugary flavor of this beer.
Very Nice Surprise!

Score: 4.2156


  1. Was that Mike's bottle?

  2. Nope I still have mine and was going to bring it out Saturday.

  3. What was the recommended drink date on the bottle?
