Monday, March 28, 2011

5 C's IPA - Portsmouth Brewery

5 C's IPA
Portsmouth Brewery
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
6.50% ABV
Style: IPA

C: Hazy
H: Dark Golden Yellow (Copper?)
N: HMM Soap? Citrus, and Hints of Caramel

The Ferm: Well quite often beers bring me back to times in my life that I remember. While searching for that beer that is the "best", you often come across beers that remind you of particular scents, flavors, or just flat out memories of something from the past. I often share my memories here for your reading pleasure. That said, this beer's taste remind me of something that is quite personal.
I often travel home to see my parents and sister on the other coast of Florida. More times then not during the drive I need to swing off and take a bathroom break. This beer brings me back to all of those memories. WAIT.....noooo, not what you are thinking! You didn't let me finish.
This beer tastes and smells just like the Turnpike Bathroom Hand Soap. Yep, Pink Liquid Soap! I could not get past the taste or the odor on this, and immediately began laughing to myself. While I typically enjoy having these beers again that jog such vibrant memories, I think I will have to pass on the 5 C's. I really don't enjoy thinking about rest stop bathrooms. Sorry Portsmouth!

Score: 2.50

1 comment:

  1. yep...pretty much all I could think about after that was mentioned.
