Monday, December 27, 2010

Top 5 Beer Events of 2010

OK, so yesterday I did not clarify, I am going to attempt to make several top 5 lists of things that I either attended/covered/or both within 2010.  This will keep things relative with the blog.

Top 5 Beer Events of 2010

5.  Jupiter Craft Beer Festival

4.  Meetings of the Minds #1 (South Florida Social Media Beer Meetup)

3.  The Funky Buddha Brewery Grand Opening

2.  (tie) Dark Lord Day 2010 / Hunahpu Release

1.  Great American Beer Festival

This past year was filled with all kinds of amazing events in the beer community.  Above are just my top 5, ok 6, of the year.

I began the list with one of the first and last events that Dos and I covered in 2010.  Jupiter Craft Beer Festival is one event that I look froward to every year.  This is without a doubt the best beer festival in the state of Florida.

The "Meeting of the Minds" was something that I honestly didn't know how I, a new beer blogger, got invited to.  Ed Roberts has a knack for talent I guess.  This meeting was the first time that I brushed shoulders with a number of people that I built some amazing friendships with over the past year.  We spoke about the local beer community, and really was one of the places that the idea of something like #FlaBrew was thought up.

The most exciting local event of the year for me was the Grand Opening of The Funky Buddha Brewery.  Why? Well the fact that I can drive a very short distance to a damn good brewery makes me happy.  The fact that this small brewery in Boca Raton is getting some national hype makes me even more happy.

While I was unable to travel to Dark Lord Day, I did some extensive covering this year, and even leaked some information about the event.  The Hunahpu release was one of my favorite events of the year, it was really one of my first events as an active blogger.  I met some great people from all over the country, and had some amazing beer!

What could beat Great American Beer Festival?  Seriously?  This was the Grand-Daddy of beer festivals.  I had the opportunity to try some amazing beer, meet some amazing people in and out of the industry, and travel all over Colorado with great friends.  This is a trip that everyone that loves beer should do at least one time!

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