Sunday, March 6, 2011

EvilTwin, Hunahpu, and more Shenanigans

Well as Aerosmith once sang "I'm Back in the Saddle Again".  Speaking of has anyone watched this season of American Idol?  It is typically horrible but this year is even worse!

Regardless.....This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with the most successful Guest Blogger that has ever been on DosBeerigos. EvilTwin is back and ready to go. Successful...that's right....someone found out that EvilTwin could write and is paying him to write about beer! The Examiner has EvilTwin covering The Ft. Lauderdale Area's Beer Scene! Yep...he gets paid....and I well I get to do this thing for free! (Lucky You!)

Check out EvilTwin's Beer Adventures over at the Examiner by going to here ----> LINK TO EvilTwin's 1st Article and Subscribe!

Well anyways now that Casey has hit the big time he can only review 3 beers with me....(I can't afford to pay him for any more!). So this week we will have 3 AMAZING BEER REVIEWS, and I will fill the remainder of the week in with news about events. By events I mean HUNAHPU RELEASE INFORMATION!

That's right kids Hunahpu! The beer that have people foaming at the mouth for Cigar City Brewing Stuff will be released this upcoming Saturday. There will be all kinds of crazyness going on this year! I hope to see you in Tampa.

In the meantime you can always catch up with the bi-weekly podcast on your drive over to CCB, that would be United We Drink. Find it for FREE in Itunes!

Ohh Yess and there also may be some information about a possible Imperial Maple Bacon Release at my favorite local brewery.....STAY TUNNED!

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