Friday, February 4, 2011

Quarter 4 Troegs Mad Elf vs. New Glarus Enigma

This is it, its go big or go home. Time to put up or shut-up. Wisconsin comes into the quarter holding four fingers high....maybe this is when they shine and take the lead back to win the game. Although Pennsylvania has dominated almost the entire game, very consistent the entire way through. Who is going to take home the LomBEERdi Trophy?

Troegs Mad Elf vs. New Glarus Enigma

Eduardo: An intruiging 4th quarter matchup. This was not a style for style matchup. It was more of a wild card match up between two limited/seasonal release craft beer darlings. New Glarus is only available in Wisconsin but popular with beer geeks outside that state that trade for their beer. Troegs is a rising star in the craft beer world. They are distributed now in eight states and Washington DC. During the holidays I had several customers at my Ft; Lauderdale store ask for Mad Elf which impressed me. I have been looking forward to trying this beer.

The Ferm: Ohhh no thats right the big boys have come out to play in the forth quarter. Mad Elf vs Enigma. While these beers are not the same style per say, they are both brewed with cherries and are seasonal/one time releases. I personally have had both, but not back to back. I think Enigma takes a strong lead and locks up this match for Wisconsin. Mad Elf doesn't stand a chance....or does it?!

About the Beers

Mad Elf- Pours ruby red color with high clarity. Not a lot of carbonation. Wow, just straight up honey & cherries. They are playing so well together! Consistent flavors from start to finish. We both would like to see more takes from other breweries on this. The ingredients worked so well together. Do yourself a favor and get your hands on one of these. It’s pretty much gone from stores so you may have to wait till next holiday season.

Enigma- Limited release from the Unplugged Series. Pours a similar color but with some haziness. It gets off to a nice start with sour cherries in your face and some oak hiding in the background. Again a disappointing finish. We both are usually more impressed with New Glarus. This had promise but in the end didn’t deliver. (note: I (Ferm) remember this beer as a completely different animal, this bottle just fell flat on the tail-end).

Quarter Synopsis

The Wisconsin defense really steps up at the beginning of the 4th quarter and returns an errant Pennsylvania pass for a touchdown bringing the score to 20-19. Pennsylvania then scores two touchdowns to close out the game at 34-19. Congrats to Pennsylvania on your Super Bowl win! Raise the LomBEERdi Trophy high with pride!

Game MVP: definitely goes to Mad Elf. This beer was the best all around beer of the tasting. Tons of flavor on the attack and back-end of the palate. Damn fine beer.

Once again thank you to Eduardo for a fun week. I hope you all enjoyed it! Have fun during the Super Bowl and drink a good craft beer from your favorite city.

1 comment:

  1. I do love Mad Elf, but it is also a hard beer to handle more than one or two, both the abv and the strong cherry/honey flavor starts to wear on you.  It is a very good beer, and something that I can get easily when released, impossible to find a little later.
