Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quarter 2: Yuengling Lager vs. Leinenkugels Amber

The Amber is the only Leinies consumers will find left in South Florida as the rest have been discontinued by the local distributor. For other folk elsewhere that want some flavor options Leinenkugels would be a ready available option for their Super Bowl option. For Steelers fans that wait till the last minute and Iron City is sold out, Yuengling would be a readily available substitute with Pennsylvania “flavor”.  Both beers are similar in style so this should be a pretty even matchup.  Lets see how they do;

Yuengling- not much nose, clean, no obvious defects, enough body, decent carbonation. Personally, if I had to reach for a session lager the day of the game it would be this one.
Leinenkugels- intriguing light nose, little darker in color and more malt presence then the Yuengling, more carbonation and body in the beer. Some hop presence in the finish. There is what I will call a defect here. There is a transition in the beer mid palate from the malt up front to the hop bite in the finish that doesn’t work for me. Bigger or more flavor is not always better, comparing this to the Yuengling.

The Ferm: Hot damn how do you compete with one of the best breweries in the US that is brewing on a super large scale. Yuengling is an American Staple....and if you don't think it is then, well I don't know what to tell you. This beer is just smooth all around. When I think of the state of Pennsylvania this brewery is the first that comes to mind. Sadly the "Leiny" just can't hang. There seems to be more of a malt build with the Leiny but it leads to some crazy off flavors.

Quarter Synopsis: Well not a super exciting 2nd quarter, but PA drove consistently down the field to score a touchdown burning 8+ minutes off the game clock. WI comes up flat. Still a strong defense game.

Quarter Score: PA 7-0
Game Score: PA 10-5 at the half

Halftime Chitter Chatter: PA is playing more consistent beer ball right now. WI needs to show up and play more consistently if they want a chance to win in the second half. Looking for something big out of the gates in the second half from WI. EAT YOUR HEART OUT BUD BOWL 2011!

1 comment:

  1. How did packers get 5 points a field goal and a touchback?
