Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tim Tebow Drinking Game

The Fermentation: Well while everyone is waiting on the first offical beer review from Dos Beer-igos, we figured we would give you a game to play.

The Tim Tebow Drinking Game

Its pretty easy and you might want to warm up by watching the re-run of the SEC Championship Game vs Alabama....

Here are the rules;

* Drink every time Tebow is called “a warrior.” Bonus chug if any of your friends sing the first two lines of Scandal’s opus “I am a warrior” and change the lyrics to “Tebow is A Warrior” Dance, Tebow, you magnificent male specimen, you…

* Drink every time Tebow’s called “a leader,” then salute.

* Drink every time Tebow’s called a “special athlete,” then yell “Tiiiimmmmmmmmay!”

* Finish your drink if the announcers suggest Tebow should have won the Heisman again this year.

* Drink every time Tebow points to the sky — then, you must realize the only reason the sky hasn’t fallen is the strength of his pointing.

* Drink every time he’s shown on the sidelines flapping his arms like a bird to pump up the crowd.

* If (WHEN) Tebow actually takes flight, finish your drink and do a shot.

* Drink every time Tebow’s on camera for no reason when the Florida defense is on the field.

* Drink every time Tebow is seen screaming with his helmet off.

* Drndsink every time they show a “I Heart Tebow” sign in the stands.

* Drink every time you see a Florida fan in jorts. (Small sips on this one, otherwise it could kill you).

* Knock back a shot every time the announcers mention his experience as missionary/surgeon.

**If Tebow gives a tearful speech in the post-game press conference, give the television the bird, turn up your bottle of Jim Beam, and don’t stop drinking OR flipping off the TV till Tebow runs out of tears. (This may take several bottles of Jim). Then throw the empty bottle(s) through the television and quote the good book .

(Disclaimer: Playing the Tebow drinking game may result in death. So don’t do it. Ever. Not even in jest. If you’re dumb enough to do it, just pray Tebow is nearby – only he can save you.

Thanks to the Leather Helmet Blog for the Official Rules



  1. im guessing we all will be drunk by kickoff

  2. haha i'm guessing Dirty Eric is driving all of us
