Monday, December 21, 2009

Hibernation Ale

Brewed by; Great Divide Brewing Co.

Out of; Denver, CO (USA)

8.1 ABV

C(clarity). Pretty clear, but only when holding it up high

H(hue). Very dark amber

N(nose). See personal opinions

Dirty Dos: Gee, well if I wanted the taste and smell of Lodge fries, I would’ve just went there and Phaan or sexy Molly would’ve got me some in 5 minutes. I mean this beer is a decent beer and all, but it is like so weird. At one point you’re like yesssss, but then the next you’re ummmm no thanks. It’s a confusion of tastes. Don't think I will be buying any 6 packs of this french fry, I mean beer, anytime soon. Score = 2.75

Fermentation: I believe this beer smells like one of those chocolate scratch and sniff stickers like when we were in grade school. Actually better yet, one of those chocolate smelling markers. Now that we have the smell out of the way, the taste is like a black licorice twister made love to a chocolate twister and they had a love child. Very unusual flavor that almost tastes like burnt grass. Upon initial taste this beer would make me want to go into "hibernation" until Great Divide stopped brewing this beer. The beer did get better after drinking more of it although sill not a fan favorite. Score = 2.89

Overall = 2.82


  1. Hmm. I wanted to try this one but mentioning licorice turns me off. I just don't like that black licorice taste.

  2. It was subtle, if you like what Great Divide does then it is worth a try. Just dont buy a 6'er of it

  3. btw thanks for checking out the blog Mike! Hit us up on Facebook or Twitter!
