Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cigar City Good Gourd

Well it is amazing how things change in just one year.

You have watched my palate change from hating stouts to loving them, from looking for the hop-iest beer I can find to appreciating the subtle flavors in beer, what's next?!?

Well Pumpkin Beers are back out, and seem to be doing quite well in the South Florida Market.

One beer particular that is hitting shelves this week is Good Gourd.

Now due to my current position with Cigar City, I don't think it would be fair to review this beer. So I will say this...snag a bottle and try it for yourself.

The label description reads; ”This high-gravity gob of gourd-y goodness incorporates pumpkin in the mashing process and then gets wicked with the spices including Ceylon cinnamon, Jamaican all spice, Zanzibar cloves and nutmeg.”

Sounds tasty right?!? Well look for it in limited draft and 750ml bottles at your favorite retailer and/or watering hole.

1 comment:

  1. Good Gourd is an extraordinary pumpkin ale, and gives my all-time favorite Southern Tier Pumking a run for its money. I'm looking forward to comparing the two side-by-side in the very near future.

