Friday, June 24, 2011

Wide Awake It's Morning

No I am not talking about the amazing album by an Indie Band by the name of Bright Eyes.  I am speaking of the Imperial Version of the Funky Buddha's Maple Bacon Coffee Porter.

The Long awaited release will be this Sunday, and it will go hand in hand with some more big brewing news for the local area (have to come back tomorrow to see what that is).

The Beer release will be taking place at the Funky Buddha at 3pm on Sunday June 26, 2011.  Now I have written about some of their beers before and said that they are limited in quantity, this one follow suite.  Only 25 or so gallons of this beer were brewed, and it will go quick.  If you are an imperial snifter member there is one major perk for you (check your email or email me).

Wide Awake It's Morning will not be the only beer on draft Sunday Afternoon.  The Buddha will also have an all-star lineup (in my opinion) of some of their special beers from the past.  Draft list includes Vanilla Espresso Porter, Pineapple Hop Gun, No Crusts (PB&J Brown Ale) and others.  Also a very special keg of Bourbon Oaked Nikolai Vorlauf (Imperial Stout) will be available.  All of these special beers will be available draft only, so get them while you can.

Make sure to come back, here, tomorrow for more breaking news regarding the South Florida beer scene.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Phil.

    Are they bottling any of those beers? I saw The Beer Wench with a bottle of Maple Bacon Coffee Porter and I'm dying to get that and others. Was hoping tomorrow would be the day but guess not.

