Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cisco Grey Lady

Grey Lady
Cisco Brewers Inc.
Nantucket, Massachusetts
4.50% ABV
Style: Witbier

C: Hazy
H: Straw Yellow
N: Orange, Vanilla, Hints of Clove (Very Yeasty)

The Ferm: New Beer in South Florida, that I am happy to find is Grey Lady from Cisco Brewers. While in Total Wine in Boca Raton last weekend I found several 12 oz bottles of this northeastern gem on the shelf. This was not my first run in with this Witbier from Mass.
About a year ago a fraternity brother sent me a box filled with stuff from Mass. and while I was looking for things like Pretty Things, Portsmouth, and Clown Shoes. It was Dopey (yep my pledge class was named after the 7 dwarfs...pretty dumb' huh??!) that said I needed to try this beer from a smaller brewery called Grey Lady. Fittingly The Cerveza Chica and I were going to see David Gray later in the week, and figured we should share the 22oz bomber before the show. We were both hooked, and btw the concert was great!
While I have had the beer a few times since, it remains a solid Wit that is full of flavor, but not overpowering. Grey Lady is clean and refreshing on a summer day, but also has a nice relaxing appeal to it after a long say in the office. At only 4.5% ABV you should be able to handle a few of these without having to worry about getting hammered in the middle of the day. I wouldn't say that this is an introductory Wit, but it is pretty close. It is not as sweet as others, and has a somewhat dry finish....again a great characteristic for a summer beer (IMO).
If you see this on shelves grab one, two, or HELL a whole sixer. Kick back and enjoy....

Score: 3.91


  1. I will definitely check for this one next time out of my cave. The other few that Cisco sent first kinda sucked, so hope this one is a lot better. It appears that way from your description.

  2. It is very exciting to see this beer in Florida. I will definitely buy some to keep on hand. Brings back great memories of David Gray. :) Very drinkable wit but with a bit of a different kick to it.
